12.3: Properties of the Z-Transform (2024)

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  • \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}}}\) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)


    This module will look at some of the basic properties of the Z-Transform (Section 9.2) (DTFT).


    We will be discussing these properties for aperiodic, discrete-time signals but understand that very similar properties hold for continuous-time signals and periodic signals as well.

    Discussion of Z-Transform Properties


    The combined addition and scalar multiplication properties in the table above demonstrate the basic property of linearity. What you should see is that if one takes the Z-transform of a linear combination of signals then it will be the same as the linear combination of the Z-transforms of each of the individual signals. This is crucial when using a table (Section 8.3) of transforms to find the transform of a more complicated signal.

    Example \(\PageIndex{1}\)

    We will begin with the following signal:

    \[x[n]=a f_{1}[n]+b f_{2}[n] \nonumber \]

    Now, after we take the Fourier transform, shown in the equation below, notice that the linear combination of the terms is unaffected by the transform.

    \[X(z)=a F_{1}(z)+b F_{2}(z)\nonumber \]


    Symmetry is a property that can make life quite easy when solving problems involving Z-transforms. Basically what this property says is that since a rectangular function in time is a sinc function in frequency, then a sinc function in time will be a rectangular function in frequency. This is a direct result of the symmetry between the forward Z and the inverse Z transform. The only difference is the scaling by \(2\pi\) and a frequency reversal.

    Time Scaling

    This property deals with the effect on the frequency-domain representation of a signal if the time variable is altered. The most important concept to understand for the time scaling property is that signals that are narrow in time will be broad in frequency and vice versa. The simplest example of this is a delta function, a unit pulse with a very small duration, in time that becomes an infinite-length constant function in frequency.

    The table above shows this idea for the general transformation from the time-domain to the frequency-domain of a signal. You should be able to easily notice that these equations show the relationship mentioned previously: if the time variable is increased then the frequency range will be decreased.

    Time Shifting

    Time shifting shows that a shift in time is equivalent to a linear phase shift in frequency. Since the frequency content depends only on the shape of a signal, which is unchanged in a time shift, then only the phase spectrum will be altered. This property is proven below:

    Example \(\PageIndex{2}\)

    We will begin by letting \(x[n]=f[n−\eta]\). Now let's take the z-transform with the previous expression substituted in for \(x[n]\).

    \[X(z)=\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} f[n-\eta] z^{-n} \nonumber \]

    Now let's make a simple change of variables, where \(\sigma=n-\eta\). Through the calculations below, you can see that only the variable in the exponential are altered thus only changing the phase in the frequency domain.

    X(z) &=\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} f[\sigma] z^{-(\sigma+\eta)} \\
    &=z^{-\eta} \sum_{\sigma=-\infty}^{\infty} f[\sigma] z^{-\sigma} \\
    &=z^{-\eta} F(z)


    Convolution is one of the big reasons for converting signals to the frequency domain, since convolution in time becomes multiplication in frequency. This property is also another excellent example of symmetry between time and frequency. It also shows that there may be little to gain by changing to the frequency domain when multiplication in time is involved.

    We will introduce the convolution integral here, but if you have not seen this before or need to refresh your memory, then look at the discrete-time convolution (Section 4.3) module for a more in depth explanation and derivation.

    y[n] &=\left(f_{1}[n], f_{2}[n]\right) \nonumber \\
    &=\sum_{\eta=-\infty}^{\infty} f_{1}[\eta] f_{2}[n-\eta]
    \end{align} \nonumber \]

    Time Differentiation

    Since discrete LTI (Section 2.1) systems can be represented in terms of difference equations, it is apparent with this property that converting to the frequency domain may allow us to convert these complicated difference equations to simpler equations involving multiplication and addition.

    Parseval's Relation

    \[\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} x[n] x *[n]=\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} F(z) F *(z) d z \nonumber \]

    Parseval's relation tells us that the energy of a signal is equal to the energy of its Fourier transform.

    Modulation (Frequency Shift)

    Modulation is absolutely imperative to communications applications. Being able to shift a signal to a different frequency, allows us to take advantage of different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum is what allows us to transmit television, radio and other applications through the same space without significant interference.

    The proof of the frequency shift property is very similar to that of the time shift; however, here we would use the inverse Fourier transform in place of the Fourier transform. Since we went through the steps in the previous, time-shift proof, below we will just show the initial and final step to this proof:

    \[z(t)=\frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} F(\omega-\phi) e^{j \omega t} d \omega \nonumber \]

    Now we would simply reduce this equation through another change of variables and simplify the terms. Then we will prove the property expressed in the table above:

    \[z(t)=f(t) e^{j \phi t} \nonumber \]

    Properties Demonstration

    An interactive example demonstration of the properties is included below:

    Summary Table

    Table \(\PageIndex{1}\): Properties of the Z-Transform
    Property Signal Z-Transform Region of Convergence
    Linearity \(\alpha x_{1}(n)+\beta x_{2}(n)\) \(\alpha X_{1}(z)+\beta X_{2}(z)\) At least \(\mathrm{ROC}_{1} \cap \mathrm{ROC}_{2}\)
    Time shifing \(x(n-k)\) \(z^{-k}X(z)\) \(\mathrm{ROC}\)
    Time scaling \(x(n/k)\) \(X(z^k)\) \(\mathrm{ROC}^{1/k}\)
    Z-domain scaling \(a^{n}x(n)\) \(X(z/a)\) \(|a| \: \mathrm{ROC}\)
    Conjugation \(\overline{x(n)}\) \(\overline{X}(\overline{z})\) \(\mathrm{ROC}\)
    Convolution \(x_{1}(n) * x_{2}(n)\) \(X_{1}(z) X_{2}(z)\) At least \(\mathrm{ROC}_{1} \cap \mathrm{ROC}_{2}\)
    Differentiation in z-Domain \([n x[n]]\) \(-\frac{d}{d z} X(z)\) \(\mathrm{ROC}\) = all \(\mathbb{R}\)
    Parseval's Theorem \(\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} x[n] \mathrm{x}*[n]\) \(\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} F(z) \mathbf{F} *(z) d z\) \(\mathrm{ROC}\)
    12.3: Properties of the Z-Transform (2024)


    12.3: Properties of the Z-Transform? ›

    Properties of ROC of Z-transforms:

    ROC of z-transform is indicated with circle in z-plane. ROC does not contain any poles. If x(n) is a finite duration causal sequence or right sided sequence, then the ROC is entire z-plane except at z = 0.

    What are the properties of ROC for the z-transform? ›

    Properties of ROC of Z-transforms:

    ROC of z-transform is indicated with circle in z-plane. ROC does not contain any poles. If x(n) is a finite duration causal sequence or right sided sequence, then the ROC is entire z-plane except at z = 0.

    What is the frequency shifting property of z-transform? ›

    Answer. it is evident that in the z-transform 'domain' the shift becomes a multiplication by the factor [maths rendering] . N.B. This discussion applies strictly only to causal sequences.

    What is the differentiation property of the z-transform? ›

    A well-known property of the Z transform is the differentiation in z-domain property, which states that if X(z) ≡ Z{x[n]} is the Z transform of a sequence x[n] then the Z transform of the sequence nx[n] is Z{nx[n]}=−z(dX (z)/dz).

    What is the linearity property of z-transform? ›

    Linearity. It states that when two or more individual discrete signals are multiplied by constants, their respective Z-transforms will also be multiplied by the same constants.

    What is z-transform and its properties? ›

    The Properties of z-transform simplifies the work of finding the z-domain equivalent of a time domain function when different operations are performed on discrete signal like time shifting, time scaling, time reversal etc. These properties also signify the change in ROC because of these operations.

    What is the formula for the z-transform? ›

    The Z-Transform, with its formula X(z) = Σ x|n|z⁻ⁿ, serves as an indispensable tool for electrical engineers, particularly in the realm of signal processing. It offers a means to transform complex time-domain signals into the frequency domain, facilitating the analysis of digital systems.

    What are the 5 properties if z-transform based on the reference materials? ›

    It then provides examples of calculating the z-transform for different signals. Key properties discussed include time shifting, scaling, time reversal, differentiation, and convolution.

    What is the inverse property of the z-transform? ›

    The Inverse Z Transform can be demonstrated in integral form over a complex path called the 'contour of integration'. It's defined as x ( n ) = 1 2 π j ∮ C X ( z ) z n − 1 d z , where 'C' is the contour of integration, a closed path in the z-plane.

    How do you know if a z-transform is stable? ›

    If the ROC contains the unit circle (i.e., |z| = 1) then the system is stable.

    What is the scaling property of Z transform? ›

    Summary Table
    Time scalingx(n/k)X(zk)
    Z-domain scalinganx(n)X(z/a)
    4 more rows
    May 22, 2022

    What are the two types of Z transform? ›

    There are two types - the one-sided or Unilateral Z Transform, ideal for sequences from n=0 to positive infinity, and the two-sided or Bilateral Z Transform, for sequences from negative infinity to positive infinity.

    What is the state shifting property of z-transform? ›

    Shifting theorem. The shifting theorem for z-Transforms looks a little different from the DFT shifting theorem, but it's conceptually quite similar. The main distinction is that we no longer have the circular / repetition assumption, and instead assume silence outside the observed samples.

    What are the ROC properties of z-transform? ›

    Properties of Region of Convergence of Z- Transform

    If x(n) is right-sided and of infinite duration (i.e., x(n) = 0 for all n< N1 ; for finite N1 ), then the ROC is the region in the a plane outside the outermost pole i.e., outside the circle of radius equal to the largest magnitude of the pole of X(z).

    What is the final value property of the z-transform? ›

    The final value theorem of Z-transform enables us to calculate the steady state value of a sequence x(n), i.e., x(∞) directly from its Z-transform, without the need for finding its inverse Z-transform. ⇒(z−1)X(z)−zx(0)=[x(1)−x(0)]z0+[x(2)−x(1)]z−1+

    Why is the ROC of z-transform circular? ›

    For stability the ROC must contain the unit circle. If we need a causal system then the ROC must contain infinity and the system function will be a right-sided sequence. If we need an anticausal system then the ROC must contain the origin and the system function will be a left-sided sequence.

    What is the ROC of the unit step in the z-transform? ›

    Z-Transform of Unit Step Function

    The above summation or series converges if |𝑧| > 1. Therefore, the ROC of the Z-transform of the unit step sequence is |𝑧| > 1. Hence, the ROC is the exterior of the unit circle in the z-plane.

    What is the ROC of the z-transform of a causal sequence? ›

    Explanation: The ROC of causal infinite sequence is of form |z|>r1 where r1 is largest magnitude of poles.

    What is the ROC of the inverse z-transform? ›

    Inverse Z Transform

    Region of Convergence (ROC) The ROC determines the region on the Z Plane where the Z Transform converges. The ROC depends solely on the 'r' value that is contained in 'z'.

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