Dr Clef's Proposal - SCP Foundation (2024)


SCP-001 photographed from the vantage point at Site 0. Note the four flaming "wing" appendages located above and to either side of the figure.

Item #: SCP-001

Object Class: Euclid/Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Because of the nature of SCP-001, no containment procedures are necessary. 24/7 monitoring of SCP-001 is to take place from a safe (10km+) distance from a pre-determined location (Site 0). The location of Site 0 is known only to the current SCP Administrator and the single Overseer-level Agent of Abrahamic faith (O5-14) assigned to monitor SCP-001 from Site 0. Said Agent is authorized to take any action necessary should SCP-001 become active, and is required to immediately alert the Administrator and all other Overseer-level agents should SCP-001 show any change in behavior, as this may constitute the beginning of a PATMOS XK-class end-of-the-world scenario.

Should SCP-001 become active in any way, personnel are required to immediately consult the Patmos series of Emergency Orders. Decoding algorithms for Emergency Order Patmos are to be maintained on-site at Site 0 in the possession of the designated observer, and are to be transmitted to SCP Foundation offices only in the event of SCP-001 becoming active. Foundation Personnel with vital roles in one or more variants of Emergency Procedure PATMOS are to be advised to take the following precautions:

  • To maintain good relations with one or more organized Abrahamic faiths.
  • To maintain, on hand, a supply of the following: holy water, a rosary, crucifix, cross, prayer rug, or other symbol blessed by an Abrahamic cleric of bishop or equivalent higher rank, a copy of Abrahamic scriptures (Torah, Bible, Quran), and standard emergency supplies in mobile form (bug-out bag).
  • In case of a premillenial rapture scenario, all vital personnel are to designate a secondary operative of non-Abrahamic faith. Said secondary operative is to be informed of the location of the primary designate's copy of Emergency Procedure PATMOS and memetic kill agent innoculant, and is to be kept on ready status to take over the primary's duties as necessary.
  • To maintain familiarity with all other SCPs involved in possible PATMOS XK-class end-of-the-world scenarios.

Description: SCP-001 is a humanoid entity, approximately seven hundred (700) cubits in height, located in an undisclosed location near the intersection of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The following features are known about the entity:

  • A number of luminous, wing-like appendages emerging from the shoulders, back, temples, ankles, and wrists of the entity. Although an accurate count has never been established, most observers place the number of wings at anywhere from two (2) through one hundred and eight (108), with the mean number being four (4).
  • A weapon, possibly a sword or knife (SCP-001-2). The weapon appears to emit flames at a temperature rivaling that of the sun, based on spectrographic analysis, although there appear to be no destructive effects from the intense heat on the surrounding area. Any entity that approaches within 1km of SCP-001 is immediately struck by the weapon and obliterated from existence. Any and all hostile actions taken towards SCP-001 have resulted in the annihilation of the attacker, regardless of range (see incident report re: Indian Ocean Submarine Missile Experiment, December 26, 2004)
  • SCP-001 appears to be standing with its head bowed in a gesture of supplication with SCP-001-2 held in both hands point-down in front of it. Since originally recorded by the Founder over [DATA REDACTED] years ago, SCP-001 has not deviated from this stance.
  • Human beings exposed to SCP-001 report hearing a voice in their heads, giving them a directive which the subject reports cannot be disobeyed. The most common directive is "FORGET", which results in the subject walking away from SCP-001 with no memory of having encountered it. On rare occasions, however, other directives have been given: the most famous of these is the one given to the Founder ("PREPARE"), which he has claimed formed the impetus for founding [DATA REDACTED] to catalog and contain any and all supernatural and/or paranormal artifacts that represent a serious threat to the current existence of humanity. This is the organization now known as the SCP Foundation.
  • Observers have reported that SCP-001 appears to be standing in front of a gate of immense proportions. Long-range photographs have occasionally detected what appears to be a pastoral grove within, containing numerous other entities of the same composition as SCP-001, as well as several fruit trees of unknown composition. Of particular note are two fruit trees of immense proportion near what appears to be the center of the grove: one, it is noted, appears to be an ordinary apple tree, although the other bears a fruit unknown on earth, described as [DATA EXPUNGED].

It is the avowed belief of the Founder that the gate which SCP-001 guards may be the gate to [EXPUNGED] based on correlations with ancient Babylonian texts and the Dead Sea Scrolls. In which case, one can deduce that the entity known as SCP-001 may be [EXPUNGED].

Addendum 001-a: Experimentation re: SCP-001-2's effective kill range

1. EXPERIMENT A: 1 Class-D personnel instructed to approach SCP-001 as closely as possible on foot.
Result: Upon making visual contact with SCP-001, subject is ordered to "LEAVE." Subject immediately turns away from entity and walks away. Despite repeated orders to continue the experiment, Class D Personnel refuses to obey and is terminated. Upon termination of Class-D personnel, all research staff involved are immediately obliterated by an unknown force, presumably SCP-001-2.

2. EXPERIMENT B: 1 remote-operated research robot guided to approach SCP-001 from the ground.
Result: Upon approaching within 1km of SCP-001, research robot is obliterated, presumably by SCP-001-2. All further attempts at remote reconnaissance have the same result.

3. EXPERIMENT C: 100 pre-programmed research drones instructed to approach SCP-001 from multiple angles simultaneously.
Result: Coordination is successful, and all 100 drones cross the 1km mark simultaneously; however, all 100 are simultaneously obliterated by SCP-001-2. Designated observer at Site 0 reports that SCP-001-2 appeared to "strike in all directions at once." SCP-001 did not deviate from its stance while this took place.

4. EXPERIMENT D: Wire-guided missile fired from a distance of 3km.
Result: SCP-001-2 obliterates weapon upon crossing the 1km mark, simultaneously obliterating the launch site and killing all personnel.

5. EXPERIMENT E: Multi-Warhead Intercontinental Ballistic Missile fired from SCP nuclear submarine "Nautilus."
Result: See Indian Ocean Submarine Missile Experiment, December 26, 2004

6. EXPERIMENT F: SCP-076 and Task Force Omega 7 instructed to approach SCP-001 on foot.
Result: SCP-076 refuses to carry out mission, despite not being informed of the mission's nature. Upon being asked why, SCP-076 replies, "No. Just no."

7. EXPERIMENT G: SCP-073. Due to the results of experiment F, SCP-073 was not informed of his destination until arriving at Site 0.
Result: SCP-073 approached the site on foot. Upon seeing SCP-001, SCP-073 became distressed and asked to abort. SCP-073 was ordered to continue. At that point, the symbol on SCP-073's forehead became [DATA EXPUNGED]. Experiment was terminated due to [DATA EXPUNGED]. See Addendum 001-aa.

Addendum 001-aa: By executive order of the Administrator, no further experiments are to be carried out re: SCP-001. No further SCPs are to be exposed to SCP-001. SCP-001 is not to be used to dispose of dangerous SCPs. Please see revised containment procedures for details.

ADDENDUM: On ██-██-████, the following errant transmission was received by Foundation personnel:


ATTN: All Foundation Personnel.

The following message was received at approximately ████:██:██ this morning from Site 0.

SCP-001 has left its location. The Gate is Open. They are riding forth.
Oh G_d, it's so beautiful…


Because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the activation of SCP-098, the Foundation is required to immediately begin preparations for an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario. SCP-076 and SCP-073 are to be secured immediately. All personnel are to unlock and decode Emergency Order Patmos-Omega, and follow all orders within. Site 19 is to be secured, and all nonessential SCPs and personnel terminated and/or destroyed. Repeat, because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the activation of SCP-098, the Foundation is required to immediately begin preparations for an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario. SCP-076 and SCP-073 are to be secured immediately. All personnel are to unlock and decode Emergency Order Patmos-Omega, and follow all orders within. Site 19 is to be secured, and all nonessential SCPs and personnel terminated and/or destroyed. Repeat, because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the aktivation of SCP-098, the Foundation is rekwired to immediatelebegin preprrations ffr an XK-class end-of-theworldsenario. SCP-076 and SCP-073 @re to be secured immediately Cain and Abel my two sons, I amcoming all personnel are to unlock and decode behold, I stand at the gate and knock and if anyanayansdfysffollow
aall alla khaf3242!$$@andisawanewheavenandanewearthandthefruitofofof

Upon contacting Site 0, O5-14 responded that no such message had been sent from his location and that SCP-001 remained inert. The transmission was initially determined to be a hoax. However, close examination of the transmission reveals a timestamp dated [DATA REDACTED] years in the future. It is theorized that [DATA EXPUNGED].



Dr Clef's Proposal - SCP Foundation (2024)


What is Dr. Clef not allowed to do? ›

Clef is not allowed to have any sexual relationships with D-Class Personnel. 4. Dr. Clef is not to shoot any personnel, even when they "kiss up to him".

Why can't Dr. Clef's face be photographed? ›

It is impossible to properly photograph his face for some reason, as it is always swapped with the face of a random animal. Dr Clef is known to be one of the most indestructible and invincible immortal members of the SCP Foundation alongside Dr. Jack Bright.

What is Dr Clef's full name? ›

Dr Alto Clef is an enigmatic scientist and gun enthusiast working for the SCP Foundation.

What did Dr. Clef do to SCP-173? ›

He put SCP-173 in front of a table inside a beautiful suite and dressed SCP-173 with a black dress and a blonde wig, while five tired D-Class kept their sight on SCP-173 as the date went on, with Clef admiring SCP-173's appearance.

Why does Dr clef have 3 eyes? ›

Eye Imagery

Due to his personnel file implying he has three eyes, the presence of a third eye is common in designs for Clef and he is commonly associated with imagery of eyes.

Is SCP 166 the daughter of Dr clef? ›

Laconic Description: SCP-166 is a 16-year-old girl with deer horns that makes anything manmade corrode. Additional Context: SCP-166 is the daughter of Dr. Alto Clef and a goddess who he later killed, and was raised by a convent of nuns.

What does Dr. Clef look like? ›

Clef's true face cannot be clearly photographed by any known means (see above), but appears to have a sizable nose and a large grin resembling that of Felis cheshiricus, the only known specimen of which was captured by [DATA EXPUNGED] during Operation Liddell.

Is Kondraki banned from SCP? ›

The creator and namesake of Kondraki, Dr Kondraki, was banned from the SCP Wiki for abusing his administrator powers.

Which SCP gets closer when you look away? ›

If the player breaks eye contact, SCP-173 will either move significantly closer to them or open any doors that are blocking its way. Its movement can be noticed by the stone scraping sounds it makes while travelling.

Is there a baby SCP? ›

SCP-734, also known as The Baby, is a character in the SCP Foundation mythos. He is Keter-class human infant currently contained by the SCP Foundation with the power to flake and completely destroy any human body part over time.

Does SCP-049 have a daughter? ›

During the time of the black plague, SCP-049 was just a simple poor man living in a village with his wife and daughter.

What SCP number is bloop? ›

Fanart of SCP-169. existence of the Foundation, detected an ultra-low-frequency extremely powerful sound in the south Pacific Ocean around the west point of the tip of South America that was made by SCP-169. The sound was named the Bloop.

Is Dr. Clef immortal? ›

Dr. Clef is known to be one of the most indestructible and invincible immortal members of the SCP Foundation alongside Dr. Jack Bright.

Which SCP cures all? ›

SCP-500 is a plastic container containing 47 red pills. When consumed, these pills can cure any and all diseases infecting the user. Each SCP-500 pill is individually designated as 500-01 through 500-47. SCP-500 has been recorded to cure SCP-008.

What is everything Dr. Jack Bright is not allowed to do? ›

Bright is not allowed to feed anything with peanut butter to Kain. 2) Telling new researchers that you can tame SCP-682 with a rolled up newspaper and a tummy rub is right out. 3) No longer allowed to challenge Able to unwinnable games like tic-tac-toe. It was three weeks before Able conceded a draw.

What are the rules for the treble clef? ›

The lines on the treble clef staff represent the notes E, G, B, D, F from bottom to top. The spaces, also from bottom to top, represent the notes F, A, C, E.

What are the rules for the bass clef? ›

How to read bass clef piano notes
  • Lines: The lines of the bass staff, from bottom to top, correspond to the notes G, B, D, F, and A. A handy phrase to remember this is “Good Boys Do Fine Always”.
  • Spaces: The spaces, from the lowest to the highest, represent the notes A, C, E, and G.

Is Dr. Alto Clef immortal? ›

Dr. Clef appears to be immortal, because he can't conceive his own non-existence.

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