Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seiz… (2024)


892 reviews429 followers

March 12, 2023

This is yet another unhinged step in the conservatives' plan for what I call weaponizing ignorance. Of course, all of this election fraud talk has been completely refuted. None of it is true and the election fraud campaign led by Fox News will hopefully lead to its downfall if they lose their legal battle. Even their own hosts at Fox said privately that Trump's claims were crazy.

Of all the moronic tropes initiated by the idiotic Trump, this is the most dangerous and imbecilic. If anyone is trying to rig and steal elections, it's Republicans with their gerrymandering and voter oppression strategies all the while claiming voter fraud that doesn’t and has never existed. Republicans hate free and fair elections because the votes often don't go their way. They control though the Senate which is gerrymandered against the public, that's why we have a senator from a hick state like Kentucky with so much power.

It is impossible to have any sort of a conversation or dialogue with people who call anything they don’t agree with ‘‘Fake News.’’ This is ironic since these same people invented fake news, like this book. If you don’t like the outcome of a fair and free election where no proof has been found of voter fraud, simply deny the election and have a party shill write a pseudo-journalistic treatise of half-truths, lies, and unsubstantiated doggerel to prop up your insane claims.

Almost no one claimed the 2004 election was illegitimate, nor did many people say that about the 2016 election, so the first few pages of this book are simply lies. She gives no backing for these claims. There were claims that there was Russian interference in the 2016 election, but no one walked around with t-shirts that said “Clinton Won” like the sea of morons in the Red States with smelly “Trump Won” tank tops. Trump received fewer votes than Clinton in 2016, but few sane people said that she won.

The author keeps talking about the “corporate media.” So, Fox News isn’t a corporation? How about Regnery Publishing who dropped this mess on the sidewalk and didn't clean up after?

She goes on and on about “voter fraud” when, in fact, there has been no evidence of voter fraud after countless studies and investigations. The recount in Arizona showed that Biden had, in fact, won handily. It is difficult keep to keep reading a book that is nothing but unsubstantiated lies, which is all this hogwash about a stolen election amounts to in the end, but I read it so that you can skip it, although I doubt any sane person would read this for any other reason that to confirm that it is nothing but lies and misdirection. The bottom line is that Republicans don't want people to vote because when people vote, they lose elections.

A why is so much of this Trump propaganda leaflet made up of criticism of Black Lives Matter and Antifa? She actually uses Trump tweets as footnotes.

Trump lost by a landslide. Period. If you don’t believe this truth, maybe you would be happier living under a dictator. Try Russia. The Republican strategy is to call the elections rigged, and then work furiously to deny the vote to as many Americans as possible because they know that the demographics of winning elections are against them. What they really want is to rule without elections and ignore the will of the people.

Biden 81,283,098 votes
Trump won 74,222,958 votes

2016 popular vote results:

Hillary Clinton 65,853,514 48.18%
Donald J. Trump 62,984,828 46.09%

Grow up and get over it.

The six-month, $5.6 million review of the 2.1 million votes cast in Arizona’s largest county was ordered up last year by the Republican-controlled State Senate after supporters of Mr. Trump insisted that his narrow loss in the state was the result of fraud.

It became something of a national punchline in September after the review concluded that President Biden actually won by a greater margin than official tallies showed. Their own review proved there was no voter fraud.

We survived nothing less than a fascist coup d'état on January 6, 2021 by a horde of stupid hillbillies pumped up by an ass-clown of a president who incited a riot and then aimed it at the nation's capitol (what I have termed as weaponizing ignorance). The mob was armed with the sort of mendacious filth contained in this horrible book.

Fun Fact: All of the people who attacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021 working together couldn't pass a high school equivalency test. The study was done by the Brookings Institution and was funded by the Republican National Party.

Brain-dead hicks attempt fascist coup:




3,978 reviews912 followers

December 13, 2021

If you voted in the 2020 election, you will also be concerned about the topics covered in this new book from Mollie Hemingway. What should a fair election look like? In October of 2020, a USA Today article reported that sixty-four percent of voters want strengthened safeguards to prevent fraud. Additionally, more than 75% of Americans surveyed by USA Today support voter ID which is also standard in Europe. Hemingway makes a convincing case for the failure of our leaders to properly conduct the 2020 election. The combination of the mainstream media with big tech and shenanigans by some Democrats resulted in a country that is divided and demoralized. Despite the events of the past two years, there is hope. Our republic is worth preserving and passing onto future generations.

    nonfiction politics

Taylor J

29 reviews5 followers

February 22, 2022

Awesome book. All 1 stars reviews were left before the book was even released. Paid leftist shills. Tells the story that Time magazine touched on after the rigged election of 2020. I didn’t vote for Trump but would after this book.

Linda Galella

684 reviews65 followers

November 6, 2021

“If you believe things went wrong in the 2020 election, well, you’re not crazy and you’re not alone. But most of all, you’re not wrong.” (pg. xiv)

Mollie Hemingway is a reporter from days gone by. She does research and interviews, compiles data and quotes and organizes the material into sections that make sense. To that she adds pertinent text that fleshes out the 5 W’s & H of good journalism.

What’s not added are wild conspiracy theories, unsubstantiated fodder, histrionics or partisan politics. Hemingway included 86 pages of her detailed notes that are broken down by chapter. They include sources of media from left, right, center, fringe, places I’ve never heard of and are inclusive of physical editions, social media, television, radio, podcasts, interviews and written communications; no stone unturned.

Not only is the 2020 election surgically investigated, but the entire history of voting and the processes attendant to it. I was gobsmacked to learn that my state of N. J. has an almost 10% disqualification rate in mail in ballots in all 31 counties; maybe I shouldn’t be. We need to find a better way and Mark Zuckerberg is NOT the answer! The chapter on his involvement is scary; can’t think of any other way to put it.

Two other key events are detailed in the book: COVID and George Floyd. Both have been written about copiously by others but this is different in that there’s no inflammatory dialogue, well, not from the author. There is a quote from the author of the 1619 Project that just about caused me to throw my iPad across the room: “Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence.” (Hannah- Jones). I’m still fuming but Hemingway provides the information as reported by others and puts them together in one place so that readers can evaluate for themselves. These things consumed the news but precious details get left behind.

“Rigged” is compelling reading, not the same old thing. Well written and organized, professionally published and edited with documentation for days. I’m motivated to find a way to contribute whatever I can to make sure NO ONE or NOTHING can steal the electoral process ever again📚

L.A. Starks

Author10 books708 followers

December 11, 2021

As always, I am reviewing this non-fiction political book for those already interested in the subject rather than to persuade those who aren't.

For readers who find thrills & mysteries in real-life politics:
This is the definitive book on the 2020 US presidential election, fully researched, cogently explained, and--I have to say--deeply depressing in its truths. Not only are events pulled together in a meaningful way, but lesser-known factors such as the long-ago Debevoise Dickinson judgement against Republicans (but not Democrats) being active in elections, the not-illegal-because it was never-considered Zuckbucks placement of Democratic operatives in state election offices, the deep internal wrangling and delay at the Wall Street Journal over the Biden revelations right before the election, the wrong-footing by Giuliani in the Pennsylvania post-election court case, and the complete stand-downs by judges are explained.

Perhaps Rigged will serve as a much-needed call to action to improve election integrity.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Ira Smith

318 reviews21 followers

October 22, 2021

Whether or not you believe that there were issues with the 2020 election, Rigged is a must read examination of how one political party pulled out all the stops to defeat a sitting President. They utilized corrupt and unconstitutional changes to state election laws, used dark money to get these changes done (by the same party that decries such money), and were able to get big tech and the mainstream media to suppress stories that damaged Biden, and censored conservative thought on social media. The book is well documented. Anyone on either side should be truly disturbed by what happened, and need to be concerned over the potential for something even worse to happen to our elections in the future.


1 review1 follower

October 17, 2021

Four years of attacks

Four years of attacks and dishonesty is accurately accounted for in this book. It leaves one to question why the left, the media and the Tech oligarchs are so afraid of Trump.

Charles Davis

2 reviews

October 16, 2021

Trump lost, Mollie. Time to get over it, and please keep your smug face off our TV’s.


4 reviews1 follower

October 18, 2021

A courageous and thorough review of the disgraceful 2020 elections. Americans must be able to review and discuss what happened in order to restore faith and confidence in our elections. Unfortunately, the shameful partisan behavior of fake corporate media "journalists" makes that very difficult. And most of the judiciary have displayed more cowardice than wisdom.


491 reviews6 followers

October 27, 2021

Exceptionally well researched, thought through and articulated explanation of how the 2020 election was rigged by people seeking to elect Biden “by any means necessary.” It is the result of Hemingway’s own reporting on the presidency of Donald Trump, extensive interviews, and serious investigative reporting. It is her own work, contrasting with her co-authorship on her last book, but it retains the same level of detail expected of serious journalism. Mollie weaves descriptions of multiple threads of seditious activity into a coherent and intelligible whole that clarifies the truth despite media, Big Tech, and political party obfuscations. Her conclusions are pointed and well-grounded in evidence and analysis.

My take on the big picture as gleaned from this book. This is the story about a cabal of soulless amoral “wokers” who hate America so much that they used (and use) “any means necessary” to gain power via rigged elections. They hate America, its institutions, and anyone willing to defend them. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is obvious to anyone who observes the particulars of what is going on around them, especially the intimidation and violence used to achieve their ends. One quote says it all, “If America were a house, we’ve got termites,” implying serious damage to the structure of the nation, even if all of the termites aren’t marching to a particular set of orders. It’s the cumulative deleterious effects of multiple individuals and organizations with overlapping sympathies that make it appear to be orchestrated by a select few. These are the consequences of mob rule. One can make the same argument about crime and criminals in general, one that has more than a few similarities to what occurred in 2020.

This is well worth your time and I highly recommend it.

Full disclosure: I received this book by winning a Goodreads give-away and agreed to read it and post my honest review.


4,105 reviews12.9k followers

February 9, 2023

Three stars for humour, none for level-headed content!

After a few well-grounded books by those who espoused the merits of the Trump presidency, it is time for something that is light on narrative and heavy on soap box preachiness. Mollie Hemingway has a lot to say about the 2020 election and how it was stolen from her beloved Donald Trump, which I felt was quite entertaining, so I added it to my 2024 election prep reading list. Hemingway bemoans how Democrats stole the election from Trump through a long list of voting irregularities and COVID-19 era voting methods that skewed things towards the left, hence the title of her book. Hemingway makes it an entertaining read, though I cannot see how I am supposed to extract much of anything but a sore forehead from palm bashing.

Mollie Hemingway opens with the same accusations that the right has been pushing since Election Night 2020; that Trump’s promised election was stolen out from under him. He had it locked up, but mail-in ballots and early voting turned the tides towards the Democrats, nullifying any hope that Trump had to stay in the White House for four additional years. While she rightly points out what some academics and pundits have been saying all along—that early returns came from in-person GOP voters were later diluted by the mail-in ballots that began being counted after the polls closed—Hemingway chose to plug her ears with fingers used to follow each line of academic and media analysis. She ostriches the truths laid out before her and screams foul, forgetting what she’s just said about votes. Yet, she denounces the truths she presented and tries to convince the reader that it was a scandal like no other.

Taking a step back, Hemingway tries to put the entire mail-in ballot idea into context but exploring the rise and lingering of Covid-19. However, even this topic is rife with her attempts at wedging politics into the mix and vilifying anyone who does not praise Trump and his handling of events. She makes sure to paint all those who remained unclear with a tainted brush, while espousing the greatness of Donald Trump and everything that came from his mouth. Nothing new or substantial here, other than trying to make the left look bad and no attempts to step back to explore the truths that may need some magnification, specifically the mishandling of the pandemic by POTUS and people reacting through the ballot to turn him away. Hemingway refuses to acknowledge this option, choosing instead to say that Trump was right all along and the left spun his actions out of context.

Hemingway moves into discussions about Black Lives Matter and the presidential debates, using her poison-tipped pen to offer slanted and highly jaded opinions about how these played into the anti-Trump rhetoric. The perspectives presented, that the left sought to create more violence in order to create an anti-police sentiment, is truly abhorrent, and yet she tries to get it shoved into the reader’s gullet. When it came time to address these things on a national stage, Hemingway posits that the media used the debates to attack Trump and Pence, leaving Biden and Harris free from any pointed questions is also false. That being said, when one side is covered in mud, why are not to going to ask about how they sullied themselves? Is that not the journalistic thing to do? Just because the tough questions did not go Trump’s way does not mean it was cruel or biased. Once more, people reacted to what they saw and likely went to the ballot box with those sentiments in mind.

No book of this nature would be complete without a section seeking to smear and whine about corruption and how voters would have changed their minds had they known what Mollie Hemingway uncovered. While she is great at building up some jaded commentary, with Rudy Giuliani at the centre, Hemingway’s antics are as transparent as can be and her sources remain flimsy at best. It is always fun to watch those who want to take their ball away when they don’t win and then turn to espouse falsehoods because they did not get their own way. These whining antics may work for some, but those are the people thirsty for Kool-Aid.

While I do not agree with most of what Mollie Hemingway has to say, I will admit she can write. She great at laying it her arguments in a coherent manner, something that I do not see regularly with those who toss out such calamitous comments. Hemingway offers detailed analyses of a number of topics, even if it is an attempt to shy away from the book’s apparent crux, to show that the 2020 presidential election results were false, fake, and shamefully fraudulent. This is not the first of Hemingway’s books that I have read, but I can happily say that she is consistent in her writing style and perspective. She keeps the left in her crosshairs and feeds on anything Trump as though it were manna from heaven. It is refreshing to see something so jaded and one-sided, even after reading a few strong books that explore Trump Administration action in a favourable manner. All I can say, being up in Canada, is that streamlining electoral processes would save so many headaches. However, I know no one wants to give up the reins of power to do so, which is the underlying crux of this book.

Kudos, Madam Hemingway, for some comedic relief while also remaining me that there will be more pieces like this coming out when Trump falls flat once more!

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    audiobook prep-for-election-2024


6,742 reviews25 followers

October 15, 2021

From the title one can hear the tantrum: the election has to turn out how *I* want, or the world is going to heck!

Yea. A reasonable response will be: prepare for the next election. Hemingway chooses to cry for the Nanny to come fix the doodoo.



364 reviews70 followers

November 23, 2021

The indignation of this book was enough that I couldn’t help but laugh. I didn’t vote for either Joe Biden or Donald Trump. Joe Biden made it pretty plain that left wingers were not a part of his strategy (if such a thing ever really existed) and that he was hoping for disaffected Republican votes instead. Donald Trump is simply too far right for me.
The point is that Joe Biden is largely a Bush II era Republican who is not opposed to continuing or even expanding the same Trump era policies but only perhaps a little politer. All the fury in this book is not based upon any serious political difference so much as it’s just a matter of personality. The author would rather have Donald Trump withdraw from Afghanistan, mismanage the COVID response, and secure a tax cut for the ultra wealthy then Joe Biden.
It feels redundant (and perhaps a bit pointless) to say that fraud was a nonissue in 2020. It’s interesting to note however that the only real cases of fraud that have been exposed are from Trump supporters registering and voting for Trump using the identities of dead people. Predictably, those instances aren’t covered in this book. The simple fact is that Trump lost, and lost rather embarrassingly to a man who only became the Democratic standard bearer courtesy a series of wins in states that he couldn’t possibly carry in the general election and then went on to triumph in 2020 more through a series of self inflicted injuries by the Trump administration than any triumph of policy.


David W.

8 reviews

October 30, 2021


This is a must read for all patriots. It is well documented and well written. The radical liberals will hate it.

Josiah Lybbert

56 reviews

March 6, 2022

Suppose we could prove that there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election. Suppose we knew that millions of bad actors all over the country intercepted ballots that weren’t theirs—ballots for dead people, ballots sent to the wrong address, etc.—and cast them fraudulently for the candidate they desperately wanted to win. What data do we have that says this would benefit one candidate more than another? How do we know that Democrats will commit fraud in this manner and Republicans won’t?

When we talk about mail-in ballots and the threat of fraud, this is the most important question that no one talks about and this book is no different.

I hoped to get an answer to that question when I picked up this book and didn’t get it. However, I did learn something quite meaningful. The idea of a “Rigged” election is not necessarily rooted in a fear of fraud so much as it is rooted in a much broader feeling that all the things that impeded Trump’s chances of being re-elected in 2020 were part of a plot by democrats to oust him out of office at all costs. Trump and his supporters feel cheated and that’s the idea behind Rigged.

The arguments in this book come together to support essentially two narratives. The first is that democrats in the political establishment exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to severely relax laws around mail-in voting and thereby turn it into a widespread practice. The second is that left-leaning people in the media and tech industries, election administration and in the judicial system all played a part in tipping the scales against Donald Trump.

Republicans like to rig elections by making it harder to vote and by enforcing laws that allow them to reject more ballots. This is done under the guise of “election security.” It is therefore no surprise that they would be so against the widespread practice of mail-in voting and upset that it led to considerably more people voting in the 2020 election than in any other election.

At one point the author openly acknowledges the fact that when more people vote, it benefits Democrats and that Republicans benefit from restrictions. Another fact that is acknowledged is that in the 2020 election Democrats were far more likely to vote by mail than were Republicans. It then makes sense why Democrats would be accused of “rigging” when they try to make it easier to vote by promoting mail-in voting or when they try to get more ballots counted despite problems with signatures. You have to ask yourself though which is actually better for democracy—more people voting or fewer people voting?

There are two types of errors a poll worker can make when verifying ballots. An A-type error is when you accept a ballot that is illegitimate. A B-type error is to reject a ballot that is legitimate. Which type is worse? I would argue that it’s the B-type error. It’s much worse to reject votes from real people than it is to accept ballots that may be fraudulent. Republicans seem to be fine with reducing A-type errors at the cost of making more B-type errors by claiming they are working to prevent fraud.

Maybe the pandemic was “exploited” to make voting more accessible to more people and maybe it did create more opportunity for fraud, but I see it as a net improvement for democracy. Mail-in voting is a wonderful thing if it means more people can vote, even if it means more fraud could happen.

The second narrative promoted in this book was that democrats and left-leaning people in this country had a personal vendetta against Donald Trump and used all means necessary to thwart his chances of being re-elected. This included people in the media and tech industries using their influence to control information and the media narrative. It also included setting the rules for the election in that they bypassed standard procedures. It included judges in the judicial system who refused to hear suits from Donald Trump’s lawyers.

This narrative may be valid, but it takes for granted that it was all unjustified. In 2016 Republicans chose to support arguably the most divisive presidential candidate in US history. He got elected on a platform of a war waged against “political correctness” and cancel culture. It was a “F*** You,” not just to the political establishment, but also to millions of real people all over the country. Donald Trump and his supporters made a lot of their own enemies.

It should be no surprise then that a lot of people wanted him out of office. It just so happens that a lot of those people were in the media and in the tech industry. They had the ability to decide what stories to promote and what information could be shared and it’s not unreasonable to believe that’s what happened.

The idea that conservative voices are unfairly suppressed by a system where liberals have the power is interesting, given its similarity to another narrative we’re all familiar with. It’s very similar to the idea of systemic racism. Instead of people of a minority race claiming to be oppressed by a legal system controlled by the interests of a majority race, people of a political ideology are claiming to have their ideas repressed by a system controlled by the interests of an opposing ideology. The ironic thing is that people who believe in a rigged election are not likely to believe in systemic racism. It seems like if you accept one, you should have to accept the other. I mean the only real difference between the two is that in one, people are getting killed by police and in the other, people are getting their Facebook posts deleted.

I guess my main takeaway from this book is that the idea of a rigged election actually has very little to do with fraud. “Fraud” is a mental frame that Trump and his supporters use to make sense of what they’re really upset about. They are upset that 1) more people were allowed to vote in 2020 and 2) people whom Trump likes to insult on a regular basis haven’t treated him very nicely.

All that said, I hated reading this book, though I’m grateful for the perspective I’ve gained. Rigged is not really written to convince the nonbeliever so much that it is meant to confirm and validate the feelings of the believer. If you read this book, chances are you already believe the election was stolen and you feel cheated and wronged by evil communist democrats. You will feel good to have those beliefs confirmed and those feelings validated. This book is a great piece of propaganda to that end.

Julie Reiter

247 reviews1 follower

November 27, 2021

This book made me depressed and frustrated. The media is a powerful weapon. People need to be critical thinkers. I don’t buy into this book hook line and sinker but I do believe that the 2020 election was far from fair with the changes in the laws and lack of voter identity. Something smells fishy. I hope people demand more in future elections.

Tim Lock

141 reviews4 followers

October 23, 2021

Excellent recap

As has become expected whenever Mollie Hemingway contributes, whether from her many appearances on news programs or from the books she writes, one can expect smart, detailed analysis.
Rigged provides a brilliant recap of what went wrong in the 2020 election.


1,801 reviews313 followers

Want to read

October 20, 2021

"Perhaps I’m naïve or overly optimistic, but maybe Rigged can provide a context for people with different political leanings to agree upon commonsense election rules that would allow all parties to be confident in the process." This review landed the book on my to-reads...

Nacole Tanguay

13 reviews

November 30, 2021

Well researched and presented. The biggest takeaway for angry leftists reading it should be that the right isn’t sitting around whining that Biden should be removed due to the evidence but instead are refocused on understanding what was done to undermine election integrity. I only hope the necessary action is taken to avoid such overt stealing in the future.

Mark Bates

379 reviews2 followers

November 2, 2021

If you want to know what went on in 2020 election and not get into wild conspiracy theories. Great analysis for left and right.

Peter Bradley

952 reviews64 followers

December 23, 2021

Rigged by Mollie Hemingway

Please give my Amazon review a helpful vote - https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-re...

This book is worth getting and keeping as a reality check against the retcon gaslighting that we have been exposed to since 2016. Most of what author Mollie Hemingway documents is well-known and well-established for anyone who was paying attention, but she puts together the story of the 2020 election and sheds light on some things that were previously obscured by corrupt, partisan journalists.

Hemingway makes the point that voting fraud is hard to catch after the fact. The defense against voter fraud is the safeguards put in place prior to the election. In that regard, she notes that up until 2020, it was universally accepted by everyone that mail-in voting was uniquely susceptible to fraud, but that this changed faster than you could say "We've always been at war with Eastasia" when a vast swath of Letist organizations coordinated to defeat Trump.

This might seem to be conspiracy theorizing like Hillary Clinton's "Vast Rightwing Conspiracy," if not for the fact that it was explicitly celebrated in detail in a post-election article in Time magazine:

"Time would, of course, disingenuously frame this effort as an attempt to “oppose Trump’s assault on democracy,” even as Time reporter Molly Ball noted this shadow campaign “touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding.” The funding enabled the country’s sudden rush to mail-in balloting, which Ball described as “a revolution in how people vote.”113

The funding from Democratic donors to public election administrators was revolutionary. The Democrats’ network of nonprofit activist groups embedded into the nation’s electoral structure through generous grants from Democratic donors. They helped accomplish the Democrats’ vote-by-mail strategy from the inside of the election process. It was as if the Dallas Cowboys were paying the National Football League’s referee staff and conducting all of their support operations. No one would feel confident in games won by the Cowboys in such a scenario.

Hemingway, Mollie Ziegler. Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections (pp. 36-37). Regnery Publishing. Kindle Edition.

There are some details in this book that were not ventilated before the election. For example, I was stunned by how much money was targeted to Biden districts through government apparatus by wealthy Leftists. I was puzzled by the lack of transparency in accounting for voting procedures in Arizona and the concomitant fact that local governments had outsourced or privatized core democracy to private businesses. This was only the tip of the iceberg:

"What happened in Green Bay by means of the large grant from Zuckerberg also happened in countless Democrat-run cities across the country. Cities and counties took money from the left-wing Center for Tech and Civic Life to help with elections. The strings attached to the money required officials to work with “partner organizations” to massively expand mail-in voting and staff their operation with activists. These partner organizations were all left-wing groups that then ran a Democratic get-out-the-vote operation through the election offices themselves.

It was a genius plan. And because no one ever imagined that a coordinated operation could pull off the privatization of the election system, laws were not built to combat it. In fact, nobody even really figured it out until Ball’s article and the emails in Green Bay came to light months after the fact.

Hemingway, Mollie Ziegler. Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections (pp. 222-223). Regnery Publishing. Kindle Edition.

It is one thing for private entities to privately support their candidates, but when private players put their thumb on the scale through the government, then that is fascism. One can only imagine how much the left would scream about "voter suppression" if the tables were turned.

Also, it appears that suspicions that the 2020 riots were politically motivated were correct. It was obvious, but it moves from obvious to confirmed:

"A coalition of “resistance” groups called the Fight Back Table began to plan scenarios about how to secure victory for Democrats.78 They gathered liberal activists across the country into something called the Democracy Defense Coalition to further plan and strategize. Podhorzer put together a network that included “the labor movement; the institutional left, like Planned Parenthood and Greenpeace; resistance groups like Indivisible and MoveOn; progressive data geeks and strategists, representatives of donors and foundations, state-level grassroots organizers, racial-justice activists and others.”79 Tellingly, Ball reported that the BLM riots were a key part of their effort to impact the election, as the leaders of these groups “drew energy from the summer’s racial-justice protests, many of whose leaders were a key part of the liberal alliance.”

In April 2020, Podhorzer began hosting hours-long Zoom sessions every week to coordinate the effort to secure the 2020 election for Biden. “The meetings became the galactic center for a constellation of operatives across the left who shared overlapping goals but didn’t usually work in concert,” Ball wrote.80 “The first task was overhauling America’s balky election infrastructure—in the middle of a pandemic.”81

Hemingway, Mollie Ziegler. Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections (pp. 208-209). Regnery Publishing. Kindle Edition.

We all saw all of this happening while being gaslighted. Based on what we saw, we should be concerned about democracy. This book provides the receipts for those who don't want to live in Big Brother's world.


David Daugherty

46 reviews3 followers

November 4, 2021

This is a sober counteraction to the hysteria about the 2020 election that comes from both sides of the aisle and which tends to overstate and oversimplify a situation that was at once more complicated and infuriating than most people acknowledge, but also a bit more "boring" than is easily translatable to outraged slogans from either the Trump or Biden camps (both of which get heavy criticism in the book). To fully understand the clown show that was our last election cycle, you have to dig through years of minutiae involving massaging of election security laws to favor certain parties, and the legal missteps the Trump campaign made in preparing for the election. That doesn't necessarily make for exciting reading or for an easy to follow narrative, and it certainly doesn't foment a quippy rallying cry, but it's closer to reality, which is often duller than the media outlets and overconfident partisan commentators would have you believe. In any case, as with her book outlining the Bret Kavanaugh fiasco, Hemingway showcases detailed reporting, and especially highlights how people in their particular echo chambers become blind to narrative manipulation, whether it's the "leftists" who are unaware or have forgotten that at the outset of the pandemic, mainstream media pieces attacked Trump for his silly notion about wanting people to wear masks and the way in which Biden and Harris publicly stated that they did not trust the COVID vaccines nor the expedited process used to create them; or whether it's the right leaning Facebook moms who don't understand how to vet conspiracy theories and followed the unhinged claims of Trump's Hail Mary Pass lawyers into a Q-niverse of Kraken-expectation. All of these figures come under harsh scrutiny in the book, and it makes for a fascinating and rage-inducing snippet of very recent history.

Jeff J.

2,325 reviews14 followers

November 15, 2021

I’ll confess I’m impressed with how the Democrats, together with a complicit media, succeeded in stealing the 2020 presidential election. Their multi-pronged effort was stunning in its scope and complexity, as detailed in this comprehensive account. Hemingway provides extensive references to support her narrative. This should serve as a handbook on how to prevent electoral fraud in the future.

James Timmins

8 reviews

November 14, 2021

Thorough and lucid presentation

The Left said the 2020 election was “Fortified”. Mollie Hemingway demonstrates it was Rigged. Our republic has paid a huge price.

Jo Anne

25 reviews2 followers

August 20, 2022

This book should be required reading for anyone who is trying to understand the accusations of election meddling in the 2020 election. Written by a well-respected journalist, Rigged is a thoroughly documented, non-hysterical and easily understood analysis of the various entities that worked to defeat Trump. It’s both eye opening and exceedingly frustrating. I think readers from both sides of the aisle should take a look at this informative book and understand the importance of cleaning up our election processes for the future.


Steve Eubanks

Author45 books16 followers

November 4, 2021

A thorough, detailed accounting of the 2030 election and all its irregularities. Every American should read this. Democracy depends on the consent of the losers. In 2000, 2004, 2016 and 2018, Democrats refused to consent. In 2020, Republicans returned the favor. But the current system, as Hemingway lays out, is neither free nor fair. And when people think their votes don’t matter, things go sideways in a hurry.

Michael Pacifico

1 review3 followers

February 4, 2022

The Democratic Party ran a better campaign. The book pretty much says that when more people vote, Democrats win and that, somehow this amounts to rigging. It matters nil that people think voter IDs protect from fraud. They don't. That's a fact. Republicans lose when they can't put up barriers between traditional Democratic voters and the polls. This book gets negative stars
Here is a better book

Leslie Fanchon

66 reviews4 followers

December 17, 2021

Just finished this well documented book.
It was wonderful to be reminded of how good we had it when Trump led our country.
So he's not a perfect person -- who is?
But he's a man of his word.
When I am reminded of all those evil politicians put him through it's apparent that President Donald J Trump will be remembered a strong, caring and courageous leader.

    2021 politics

Bill Berg

145 reviews8 followers

November 6, 2021


Liberals didn't accept the 2000 and 2016 elections, and now conservatives don't accept the results of the 2020 elections.

"Houston, we have a problem!"

Certainly this book has a conservative bias, however it does an excellent job of laying out how as recently as the '80s, even Jimmy Carter recognized mail in voting was a threat to our democracy.


Sue Cavisyon

2 reviews

October 29, 2021


Molly is a very crisp writer and exposes what we all knew to be true about the 2020 election. A must read.

Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seiz… (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.