wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc? (2024)

wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc?

Question Posted / mvreddy hetero drugs

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wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc?..

Answer / tushar

Assay is quantitatively determination of the amount main
component of a sample present in substance.
Purity is determination of impurities present in substance.

Is This Answer Correct ? 186 Yes 21 No

wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc?..

Answer / jay jadhav

Assay is the quantitative determination of the amount of a
component in a sample.
Purity is the determination of the impurities in the
sample. It can be quantitative, semi-quantitative or
For example : if you dissolve 4 grams of compound A (with
no impurities in it) in 6 grams of water, you get a
solution of compound A with 100% purity and 40% assay.

Is This Answer Correct ? 68 Yes 13 No

wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc?..

Answer / shyam

in assay we estimate the analyte
content. in this caliculation we use area. this is
quantitative analysis.
In purity testing we estimate the analyte concentration.in
this caliculation we use percentage of area.this is
qualitative analysis.

Is This Answer Correct ? 35 Yes 21 No

wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc?..

Answer / m.g. madhu babu

1. Assay will vary w.r.t. the sample quantity.
Irrespective of sample quantity final result should be the
same. (No change in the result).
2. For assay, reference std. must. No ref. std. will be
used for purity.
3. Assay can be calculated by chemical, HPLC, UV, IC, etc.,
where as purity by using chromatography only.
4. Mainly assay will be calcluated for API's, where as
purity for RM's & IM's.

Is This Answer Correct ? 29 Yes 19 No

wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc?..

Answer / pharmainterview

Purity : indicates how pure our analyte is.

Assay: indicates how much of our analyte is.

Potency: indicates how potent(the original content) our
analyte is.


Is This Answer Correct ? 13 Yes 6 No

wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc?..

Answer / arun tiwari

In assay we estimate the exact amount of substance present
in sample matrix w.r.t standard of known potency.

Potency is a measure of the activity of a drug in a
biological system and assay of std refered as potency.

Purity is the test to calculate the content of impurities
present in sample matrix.All impurities can not be analyse
by single method.

Is This Answer Correct ? 10 Yes 4 No

wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc?..

Answer / gokul yeole

Assay is quantitatively determination of the amount main
component of a sample present in substance.
Purity is determination of impurities present in substance

Is This Answer Correct ? 8 Yes 5 No

wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc?..

Answer / raja

Purity is comparison of sample profile with Blank.
Assay is a comparison of sample with Standard.
Purity is except blank how it is...
Assay is compared to std how much it is..

Is This Answer Correct ? 2 Yes 0 No

wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc?..

Answer / amit

Purity= Assay-(Imps+ Res sol+ water contents+ other salt
factor etc)
Assay - chromatographic purity

Is This Answer Correct ? 5 Yes 27 No

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wt is difference between assay and purity in hplc? (2024)
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