Unlock Boundless Creativity: How to Get the Inventor Badge in Ability Wars (2024)

Understanding “How to Get Inventor Badge in Ability Wars”

In the thrilling world of Ability Wars, players strive to obtain various badges that showcase their skills and achievements. Among these coveted badges is the Inventor Badge, a testament to a player’s creativity and ingenuity in designing and building powerful abilities.

This badge holds immense importance for several reasons. Firstly, it signifies a player’s mastery of the game’s complex ability-building system. Secondly, it grants players access to exclusive rewards and bonuses, such as unique cosmetic items and enhanced abilities. Furthermore, the Inventor Badge is a mark of prestige and respect within the Ability Wars community, recognizing players who have dedicated themselves to pushing the boundaries of the game’s mechanics.

To embark on the path to obtaining the Inventor Badge, players must delve into the intricacies of Ability Wars’ ability-building system. Through experimentation and a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, players can create abilities that are both effective and innovative. Additionally, collaboration with other players and the sharing of ideas can greatly enhance one’s chances of crafting truly exceptional abilities.

Table of Contents

How to Get Inventor Badge in Ability Wars

To become an inventor in Ability Wars and earn the coveted Inventor Badge, you’ll need to master these key aspects:

  • Experimentation: Tinker with different abilities to discover new combinations and effects.
  • Creativity: Think outside the box and come up with unique and innovative ability designs.
  • Understanding: Grasp the mechanics of the game and how abilities interact.
  • Collaboration: Team up with other players to share ideas and learn from each other.
  • Persistence: Don’t give up on your inventions, even if they don’t work at first.
  • Practice: The more you build abilities, the better you’ll become at it.
  • Feedback: Seek feedback from other players and the community to improve your abilities.
  • Originality: Strive to create abilities that are truly unique and have never been seen before.
  • Impact: Design abilities that have a significant impact on the gameplay.
  • Versatility: Create abilities that can be used in a variety of situations and against different opponents.
  • Efficiency: Make sure your abilities are efficient and don’t waste resources.
  • Aesthetics: Don’t neglect the visual appeal of your abilities.
  • Fun: Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the process of creating new abilities!

Becoming an inventor in Ability Wars is not just about getting the badge. It’s about pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation, and contributing to the ever-evolving world of the game. Embrace these key aspects, experiment fearlessly, and let your imagination run wild. Who knows what incredible abilities you’ll invent!


In the realm of Ability Wars, experimentation is the key that unlocks the Inventor Badge, a symbol of creativity and innovation. By tinkering with different abilities, players embark on a journey of discovery, unearthing new combinations and effects that can revolutionize the gameplay.

  • Facet 1: Unlocking Hidden Potential

    Experimentation allows players to explore the hidden potential of abilities, uncovering synergies and interactions that were previously unknown. It’s like being an alchemist, mixing different elements to create a magical concoction.

  • Facet 2: Breaking the Mold

    By breaking free from conventional thinking, experimentation encourages players to create abilities that defy expectations. It’s about pushing the boundaries and challenging the status quo.

  • Facet 3: Learning from Failures

    Not every experiment will yield success, but each failure is a valuable lesson. Experimentation fosters a growth mindset, where players learn from their mistakes and refine their approach.

  • Facet 4: Inspiration from Others

    Collaborating with other players and sharing ideas can spark inspiration and lead to groundbreaking discoveries. Experimentation is a collective endeavor, where the community’s knowledge and creativity converge.

Ultimately, experimentation is the lifeblood of innovation in Ability Wars. It empowers players to become inventors, to shape the game’s mechanics, and to create abilities that will leave a lasting impact on the battlefield.


In the realm of Ability Wars, creativity is the spark that ignites the flame of innovation. It’s the ability to break free from conventional thinking and envision abilities that have never been seen before. This creativity is the driving force behind the Inventor Badge, a coveted symbol of ingenuity and imagination.

To earn the Inventor Badge, players must demonstrate their ability to design unique and innovative abilities. This means stepping away from the ordinary and exploring uncharted territory. It means experimenting with different combinations, challenging the status quo, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. True creativity involves not just creating something new, but creating something that is truly exceptional.

Real-life examples of creativity in Ability Wars abound. Players have created abilities that can manipulate time, control the elements, and even summon mythical creatures. These abilities are a testament to the boundless imagination of the Ability Wars community.

Understanding the importance of creativity in Ability Wars is crucial for aspiring inventors. It’s the key to unlocking the full potential of the game’s ability-building system and creating abilities that will leave a lasting impact on the battlefield. So let your creativity soar, embrace the unknown, and strive to become a true inventor in Ability Wars.


In Ability Wars, understanding the game’s mechanics is not just about knowing the rulesit’s about delving into the very fabric of the game world, deciphering the intricate dance of abilities and their interactions. This understanding is the cornerstone upon which the Inventor Badge is built.

  • Facet 1: The Inventor’s Toolkit

    Just as an artist needs to understand the properties of paint and canvas, an inventor in Ability Wars must grasp the mechanics of the game. This includes understanding how different abilities interact, how to combine them effectively, and how to anticipate the strategies of opponents.

  • Facet 2: The Language of Abilities

    Each ability in Ability Wars possesses unique attributes and behaviors. Understanding these attributessuch as range, cooldown, and damageis crucial for inventors to create abilities that synergize well and perform optimally.

  • Facet 3: The Art of Prediction

    In the heat of battle, inventors must be able to predict how their abilities will interact with the abilities of their opponents. This requires a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics and a keen eye for detail.

  • Facet 4: The Inventor’s Edge

    Armed with a comprehensive understanding of the game’s mechanics, inventors gain a significant edge in battle. They can craft abilities that exploit weaknesses, counter strategies, and ultimately outmaneuver their opponents.

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Ultimately, understanding the mechanics of Ability Wars is not just a path to the Inventor Badgeit’s a path to mastery. By deciphering the language of abilities and predicting the flow of battle, inventors unlock the true potential of their creativity and become formidable forces on the battlefield.


In the realm of Ability Wars, collaboration is not merely a strategy; it’s a catalyst for innovation and a driving force behind the coveted Inventor Badge. By teaming up with fellow players, inventors unlock a wealth of knowledge and perspectives, propelling their creativity to new heights.

  • Facet 1: The Inventor’s Network

    Collaboration fosters a network of inventors, each contributing their unique ideas and expertise. This collective intelligence accelerates the development of groundbreaking abilities, as inventors learn from and inspire one another.

  • Facet 2: Shared Discoveries

    Through collaboration, inventors share their discoveries and insights, uncovering hidden mechanics and unlocking new possibilities within the game. This collective knowledge empowers them to push the boundaries of ability design.

  • Facet 3: Constructive Feedback

    Collaboration provides a platform for constructive feedback, where inventors can refine their ideas and improve their abilities. By seeking feedback from peers, they gain valuable perspectives and enhance the quality of their inventions.

  • Facet 4: Joint Projects

    Collaboration enables inventors to embark on joint projects, pooling their talents and resources to create truly exceptional abilities. These collaborations often yield innovative solutions and abilities that would not have been possible for a single inventor to achieve alone.

Ultimately, collaboration is the lifeblood of innovation in Ability Wars. By embracing the power of teamwork, inventors not only increase their chances of earning the Inventor Badge but also contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of the game. Together, they push the boundaries of creativity and shape the future of Ability Wars.


In the realm of Ability Wars, persistence is not just a virtue; it’s a necessity for aspiring inventors seeking the coveted Inventor Badge. The path to innovation is paved with setbacks and failures, but it’s the persistent who ultimately triumph.

Every successful invention in Ability Wars is a testament to the inventor’s unwavering determination. Countless hours are spent experimenting, tweaking, and refining abilities, often with little to show for it. Yet, true inventors persevere, driven by an insatiable curiosity and a belief in their own abilities.

Real-life examples abound of inventors who refused to give up on their dreams. Thomas Edison famously failed over a thousand times before inventing the light bulb. Marie Curie faced countless challenges in her groundbreaking research on radioactivity.

In Ability Wars, persistence is not just about achieving success; it’s about the journey itself. It’s about learning from failures, embracing setbacks as opportunities for growth, and never losing sight of one’s goals.

For those seeking the Inventor Badge, persistence is an indispensable trait. It’s the fuel that drives innovation, the spark that ignites creativity, and the foundation upon which success is built.


In the realm of Ability Wars, practice is not just a means to an end; it’s an essential ingredient in the recipe for innovation and the key to unlocking the coveted Inventor Badge.

Just as a chef refines their skills through countless hours in the kitchen, inventors in Ability Wars hone their craft by repeatedly building and testing abilities. With each iteration, they gain a deeper understanding of the game’s mechanics, the nuances of different abilities, and the art of combining them effectively.

Real-life examples abound of the transformative power of practice. The legendary basketball player Michael Jordan famously said, “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

In Ability Wars, practice is not just about becoming proficient in building abilities; it’s about cultivating a mindset of continuous improvement. It’s about embracing failure as a stepping stone to success and never ceasing to explore the vast possibilities that the game has to offer.

For those seeking the Inventor Badge, practice is an indispensable virtue. It’s the foundation upon which creativity flourishes, the catalyst that transforms ideas into reality, and the driving force behind groundbreaking inventions.


In the realm of Ability Wars, feedback is not just a suggestion; it’s a vital catalyst that accelerates the journey towards the coveted Inventor Badge. By actively seeking feedback from fellow players and the wider community, inventors gain invaluable insights that refine their creations and elevate them to new heights of innovation.

Just as a sculptor uses feedback to chisel away imperfections and reveal the beauty within the stone, inventors in Ability Wars utilize feedback to refine their abilities, eliminate inefficiencies, and enhance their overall effectiveness. Real-life examples abound of the transformative power of feedback. The Wright brothers, credited with inventing the first successful airplane, meticulously gathered feedback from their test flights, incorporating it into subsequent designs until they achieved their historic feat.

In Ability Wars, feedback serves as a bridge between aspiration and realization. It provides inventors with a mirror to reflect upon their creations, identify areas for improvement, and gain a fresh perspective from those who have experienced their abilities firsthand. By embracing feedback with an open mind and a willingness to learn, inventors unlock the potential for exponential growth and innovation.

For those seeking the Inventor Badge, feedback is an indispensable tool. It’s the compass that guides their journey, the fuel that powers their creativity, and the key that unlocks the door to truly groundbreaking inventions.


In the ever-evolving landscape of Ability Wars, originality is not merely a desirable trait; it’s the lifeblood of innovation and a fundamental pillar on the path to acquiring the coveted Inventor Badge. Originality fuels the creation of groundbreaking abilities that redefine the boundaries of gameplay and leave an indelible mark on the game’s history.

Just as great artists throughout history have sought to express their unique perspectives and emotions through their creations, inventors in Ability Wars strive to infuse their abilities with a spark of originality that sets them apart from the rest. This originality manifests in the form of novel ability combinations, unconventional strategies, and groundbreaking mechanics that challenge the established norms and push the limits of what’s possible.

Real-life examples of originality in Ability Wars abound. Players have created abilities that manipulate time and space, control the elements, and even summon mythical creatures to their aid. These abilities are a testament to the boundless creativity and imagination of the Ability Wars community.

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For those seeking the Inventor Badge, originality is not just an abstract concept; it’s a practical necessity. By embracing originality, inventors unlock the potential to create abilities that are truly unique and memorable. These abilities have the power to surprise and outmaneuver opponents, leaving a lasting impression on the battlefield and earning the respect and admiration of fellow players.


In the ever-evolving realm of Ability Wars, creating abilities that leave an indelible mark on the gameplay is not just a desirable goal; it’s an essential aspect of the journey towards acquiring the prestigious Inventor Badge. Abilities with significant impact possess the power to alter the course of battles, redefine strategies, and leave a lasting impression on the minds of opponents.

Consider the real-life example of the “Time Warp” ability. This innovative ability allows players to manipulate the flow of time, slowing down or speeding up their opponents to gain a tactical advantage. Its impact on gameplay is undeniable, adding a new layer of strategy and depth to the battlefield.

For aspiring inventors seeking the Inventor Badge, understanding the importance of impact is paramount. Abilities that lack impact will quickly fall into obscurity, failing to make a meaningful contribution to the game. By focusing on creating abilities that disrupt the status quo, alter the balance of power, or introduce entirely new mechanics, inventors can increase their chances of earning the coveted badge and leaving a lasting legacy in Ability Wars.

The Inventor Badge is not merely a symbol of recognition; it’s a testament to the inventor’s ability to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation, leaving an enduring mark on the ever-changing landscape of Ability Wars.


In the ever-changing battlegrounds of Ability Wars, versatility is not just a desirable attribute for abilities; it’s an essential ingredient in the recipe for success and a key factor in the pursuit of the coveted Inventor Badge. Abilities that lack versatility are often relegated to niche roles, limiting their effectiveness in the face of diverse opponents and unpredictable situations.

Consider the real-life example of the “Adaptive Shield” ability. This ingenious ability allows players to create a protective barrier that can adapt to different types of attacks, whether physical, magical, or elemental. Its versatility makes it an invaluable asset in any battle, providing consistent protection against a wide range of threats.

For aspiring inventors seeking the Inventor Badge, understanding the importance of versatility is paramount. Abilities that excel in specific situations or against particular opponents may earn short-term success, but true innovation lies in creating abilities that can adapt and thrive in the ever-shifting landscape of Ability Wars.

By embracing versatility, inventors open up endless possibilities for strategic gameplay and tactical decision-making. They create abilities that empower players to respond effectively to unexpected challenges, counter diverse strategies, and emerge victorious from even the most unpredictable battles.


In the ever-competitive battlefields of Ability Wars, efficiency is not just a desirable trait; it’s a fundamental pillar of success and a crucial factor in the pursuit of the coveted Inventor Badge. Abilities that lack efficiency are often wasteful and ineffective, quickly draining precious resources and leaving players vulnerable to defeat.

Just consider the real-life example of the “Mana Surge” ability. This potent ability allows players to amplify the power of their subsequent abilities at the cost of mana. However, if the inventor fails to consider the mana cost relative to the power gained, the ability becomes inefficient, potentially leaving the player mana-starved and unable to cast further abilities.

For aspiring inventors seeking the Inventor Badge, understanding the importance of efficiency is paramount. Abilities that maximize their effects while minimizing resource consumption are not only more powerful but also more versatile. By embracing efficiency, inventors create abilities that allow players to sustain themselves in prolonged battles, adapt to changing situations, and outmaneuver opponents who rely on wasteful abilities.

In the end, the Inventor Badge is not merely a symbol of recognition; it’s a testament to the inventor’s ability to create not just powerful abilities, but efficient ones that empower players to dominate the battlefields of Ability Wars.


In the visually stunning world of Ability Wars, aesthetics are not just a nice-to-have; they’re an integral part of the gameplay experience and a crucial factor in the pursuit of the coveted Inventor Badge. Abilities with lackluster visual appeal often fail to capture the imagination of players, hindering their chances of recognition and adoption.

  • The Power of Immersion

    Visually appealing abilities have the power to immerse players in the game world, enhancing their overall experience. When players see their abilities come to life with vibrant effects and captivating animations, they feel a deeper connection to the game and a greater sense of satisfaction from using their creations.

  • The Language of Communication

    Aesthetics serve as a visual language that communicates the intent and purpose of abilities. By carefully crafting the visual aspects of their abilities, inventors can make them more intuitive and easier to understand, even for players who are new to the game.

  • The Mark of Distinction

    In a sea of abilities, visual appeal can set your creations apart and make them more memorable. When players encounter an ability with striking visuals, they’re more likely to remember it and give it a try, increasing the chances of it gaining recognition and potentially earning the Inventor Badge.

  • The Inspiration for Innovation

    Engaging aesthetics can inspire other inventors to push the boundaries of creativity. By showcasing the visual potential of Ability Wars, visually appealing abilities can motivate others to experiment with new ideas and create even more stunning and innovative abilities.

Ultimately, aesthetics in Ability Wars are not just about making abilities look pretty; they’re about enhancing the gameplay experience, facilitating communication, and fostering a vibrant and innovative community of inventors. By embracing the power of aesthetics, you can not only increase your chances of earning the Inventor Badge but also contribute to the ever-evolving visual landscape of the game.


In the realm of Ability Wars, where innovation and creativity reign supreme, there’s one essential element that often gets overlooked: the sheer joy of creation. While the pursuit of the Inventor Badge is a noble goal, it’s equally important to remember that the journey should be an enjoyable one.

  • The Spark of Inspiration

    When you approach ability creation with a playful mindset, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities that might otherwise remain unseen. Fun fuels imagination, allowing inventors to break free from conventional thinking and explore uncharted territories where groundbreaking abilities are born.

  • The Power of Iteration

    Creating abilities is an iterative process, filled with trial and error. Embracing the fun in experimentation takes the pressure off and allows inventors to learn from their mistakes without discouragement. Each iteration brings you closer to refining your abilities and, ultimately, to the coveted Inventor Badge.

  • The Joy of Collaboration

    Ability Wars is a community-driven game, and sharing your creations with others can be an incredibly rewarding experience. When you find joy in the process of creating, you’re more likely to engage with other inventors, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects. These interactions not only enhance your abilities but also make the journey towards the Inventor Badge a whole lot more enjoyable.

  • The Intrinsic Reward

    At the end of the day, the true value of creating abilities lies in the satisfaction it brings. When you have fun and enjoy the process, the Inventor Badge becomes a symbol of your passion and dedication to the craft. It’s a testament to the countless hours of joy you’ve experienced along the way.

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So, as you embark on your quest for the Inventor Badge, remember to embrace the fun and let it guide your creations. It’s in the moments of pure joy that true innovation and fulfillment await.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Inventor Badge

Have questions about earning the coveted Inventor Badge in Ability Wars? We’ve got answers! Dive into our FAQs to unlock the secrets and empower your journey to becoming a master inventor.

Question 1: Is the Inventor Badge easy to get?

Not quite! Earning the Inventor Badge is a true test of your creativity, dedication, and understanding of Ability Wars’ mechanics. It requires a deep dive into the game’s systems and a willingness to experiment and push boundaries.

Question 2: What’s the secret to creating award-winning abilities?

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula, but some key ingredients include originality, impact, versatility, and efficiency. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and experiment with different combinations and strategies.

Question 3: How can I improve my chances of getting the Inventor Badge?

Practice makes perfect! Build and test as many abilities as you can. Collaborate with other inventors, seek feedback, and stay up-to-date with the latest game mechanics. Each step brings you closer to mastering the art of ability creation.

Question 4: What’s the best way to showcase my abilities?

Share your creations with the community! Participate in events, join guilds, and engage with other players. The more you share and discuss your abilities, the more likely you are to gain recognition and earn the Inventor Badge.

Question 5: Is it okay to get help from others?

Absolutely! Collaboration is a vital part of the Inventor Badge journey. Team up with fellow inventors, brainstorm ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences. Together, you can push the boundaries of innovation.

Question 6: What’s the most important thing to remember on the path to the Inventor Badge?

Have fun! The journey to becoming an inventor in Ability Wars should be an enjoyable and fulfilling one. Embrace the creative process, experiment fearlessly, and let your imagination soar. The Inventor Badge is not just a destination but a symbol of your passion and dedication to the craft of ability creation.

Whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned inventor, these FAQs provide valuable insights and guidance on your quest for the Inventor Badge. Embrace the challenge, unleash your creativity, and let the world witness your brilliance in Ability Wars!

Now that you’re armed with these FAQs, it’s time to dive into the world of Ability Wars and forge your path to becoming a legendary inventor. The Inventor Badge awaits those who dare to innovate, collaborate, and have an unyielding passion for the game. So, what are you waiting for? Let the sparks of creativity fly!

Tips for Inventing Abilities in Ability Wars

Unleash your creativity and forge your path to becoming a legendary inventor in Ability Wars! Here’s a treasure trove of tips to help you craft award-winning abilities and earn the coveted Inventor Badge.

Tip 1: Experiment Fearlessly

Don’t be afraid to mix and match different ability components. Experiment with unusual combinations and strategies. Remember, innovation often stems from breaking free from the norm.

Tip 2: Study the Mechanics

Master the intricacies of Ability Wars’ mechanics. Understand how abilities interact, their strengths, and their limitations. Knowledge is power, especially in the hands of a creative inventor.

Tip 3: Collaborate with Others

Join forces with fellow inventors! Share ideas, brainstorm concepts, and learn from each other’s experiences. Collaboration can spark brilliant innovations you may not have discovered alone.

Tip 4: Seek Feedback and Iterate

Share your creations with the community and gather feedback. Constructive criticism can help you refine your abilities, making them more effective and impressive.

Tip 5: Strive for Originality

Don’t just imitate existing abilities. Push the boundaries of creativity and design something truly unique. Originality is key to standing out in the vast world of Ability Wars.

Tip 6: Prioritize Impact

Craft abilities that make a noticeable difference on the battlefield. Abilities that alter strategies, counter opponents, or provide game-changing advantages have a higher chance of earning recognition.

Tip 7: Embrace Versatility

Design abilities that can adapt to various situations and opponents. Versatility ensures your creations remain valuable in diverse battles, increasing their overall worth.

Tip 8: Don’t Neglect Aesthetics

Visual appeal matters! Create abilities with striking visuals and captivating animations. Eye-catching abilities are more likely to be noticed, used, and appreciated by other players.

With these tips as your guide, embark on your journey to become a master inventor in Ability Wars. Experiment, collaborate, and let your creativity soar. The Inventor Badge awaits those who dare to innovate and make their mark on the world of abilities!

Inventor Badge

In the realm of Ability Wars, the Inventor Badge is not merely an accolade; it’s a symbol of boundless creativity, unwavering dedication, and a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics. Through experimentation, collaboration, and an insatiable thirst for innovation, inventors push the boundaries of ability design, shaping the very fabric of Ability Wars.

The path to the Inventor Badge is paved with challenges, but it’s a journey filled with endless possibilities. Embrace the tips and insights shared in this article, and let your imagination run wild. Experiment fearlessly, collaborate with passion, and strive for originality. Each ability you create is a testament to your skill, a contribution to the Ability Wars community, and a step closer to earning the coveted Inventor Badge.

Unlock Boundless Creativity: How to Get the Inventor Badge in Ability Wars (2024)


How to get the inventor badge in Ability Wars 2024? ›

You can earn the Inventor badge by unlocking and using 50 different abilities. Basically, be a mad scientist in the game! Yeah, just use 50 abilities. It's as easy as it sounds.

Where is the inventor in Ability Wars? ›

Inventor's Room is a semi-secret location on the map, accessible by walking into a wall directly left when going up the staircase inside of the Big Tree.

What badges can you not get in a private server in Ability Wars? ›

Most badges are obtained by killing other players using certain abilities, completing challenges, or by finding secrets around the game. Some badges can be obtained in private servers such as Astral Realm and cake, but you cannot obtain badges like Operator or 100 in a private server.

How to get prototype badge in Ability Wars? ›

Inventor's Room - Located within the Big Tree and accessed by going through a dark patch within the leaves, lies the Inventor and a prototype of Spring. Accepting the prototype and managing to get 20 kills in one life grants the Inventor badge.

How do you get the nuke badge? ›


In order to get this badge, you must go to the Wolf Nuke Missile Building in a private server and launch and self-destruct the nuke at the same time. Then below the Wolf Missile building, a portion of the concrete opens, then click on the badge.

How to get inventor badge in Roblox? ›

Obtained when

Player invited 3 or more players to Roblox.

What is the hardest badge to get in the military? ›

“The three badges — EIB, ESB and EFMB — are perhaps some of the hardest awards for a Soldier to earn,” said Sgt. Maj. Justin Walkup, the 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team operations sergeant major. “We gave out 14 EIBs at our brigade event last year and we came close to giving out some ESBs.”

What is the hardest badge to get in Roblox? ›

List of Roblox's Hardest Badges
  • 100 Streak (Hardcore) (Survive The Disasters 2)
  • Token Maniac (A) (Survive The Disasters 2)
  • You (probably didn't) beat DNaV (The NEAT Project)
  • Out of the Park (Kaizo Robot 64)
  • FOOLISH!!! (Randomly Generated Droids)
  • Go Outside (Randomly Generated Droids)
  • Midnight Illusion III (rosu!

How to spawn a dummy in Ability Wars? ›

/dummy Spawns a dummy, useful for testing abilities. /ability [player_username] [Ability] Gives the player mentioned an ability, specified by the user. Note that the abilities are case-sensitive. If you give a player an ability that doesn't exist it will act the same as Default.

What ability do you get at 50k punches in Ability Wars? ›

50,000-99,999 Punches

Knows how to predict what the opponent might do for a combo, or how to combo them by sensing weaknesses in their attacks.

Where is Astral in Ability Wars? ›

The Astral Dimension is a hidden location, found inside the walls of The Pool on the Classic map, the walls of the oasis on the Desert map, and the . It is accessible by obtaining the Key and revealing the portal inside. It is an area where two Masteries, Portal Mastery and Defender Mastery can be obtained.

How to get the hero of justice in Ability Wars? ›

Hero of Justice was added to the game, obtainable by killing another Hero of Justice user in their dimension.

How to get the hero badge? ›

Overview. The Hero Badge was the hardest to earn out of the three first-stage badges (Bandit, Survivor and Hero). To obtain it, you had to kill three bandits, (players who killed innocent players) and survive for 3 days.

How do you unlock burger ability in ability wars? ›

Burger is a secret ability, obtained by earning the grocery shopping badge and clicking the burger under the chair that Floppa NPC sits on. It requires 6,000. Summons multiple burgers that fly towards the user's mouse or crosshair, dealing half-punch damage and slight knockback per burger.

How to get boing badge in Ability War? ›

To get the Boing Badge in Ability Wars, you need to use the 'Jumper' ability and bounce on other players' heads 100 times!

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.